2.0 16V Sport (132 kW / 179 CV) 01/04 - 04/05

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Brake pad accessories

Braking system
Assembly kit
Exceeding the standards

Brembo Prime Brake Fluid

The Brembo Prime Brake Fluid products pass the standards applied for class 4, 5.1 and 6 brake fluid.
The product offers greater resistance against Vapour Lock, ensuring braking efficiency even at low temperatures.Thanks to the excellent corrosion- and oxidation-resistant properties, the Brembo brake fluids also make it possible to achieve long-term protection against alteration of fluid chemical/physical properties when in the operating circuit, thus keeping it intact.
Check the compatibility of your braking system with the brake fluid selected in the service manual of your car.
Click here to download the Safety Data Sheet for the Brembo brake fluid

XTRA line

Xtra brake fluid is the ideal solution that combines the high resistance to high temperatures of the DOT 5.1 fluid and the low viscosity of the DOT 4 low viscosity.
Viscosity is an important factor for the correct operation of the braking system, above all in modern vehicles with anti-locking systems (ABS) and electronic systems for traction and stability control (ESP).
In these systems, the fluid flows through the control mechanisms (generally valves with very limited passages) and it is of fundamental importance for the liquid to be very fluid precisely because of the need for a precise and immediate transfer.
Due to these characteristics, it is the liquid that Brembo suggests in combination with the products of the Xtra range (discs, pads, calipers), for sporty and safe road driving.
Check the compatibility of your braking system with the brake fluid selected in the service manual of your car.
Click here to download the Safety Data Sheet for the Brembo brake fluid
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