Present on the market as original equipment since the beginning of 2000, the exclusive CCM disc can now be used as replacement for the most performing cars, to obtain best driving experience.
The main advantage of CCM is a 50% weight reduction compared to cast iron discs. This reduces the car’s unsprung weight, contributing significantly to the vehicle’s exceptional dynamic behavior during use and to driving comfort.
The second important advantage of the ceramic composite material produced by Brembo is that it guarantees under all conditions a high coefficient of friction, which remains stable during braking at all speeds and in all weather conditions, allowing the driver to optimize pressure applied to the pedal.
The thermal deltas to which the disc is subjected during sustained and prolonged deceleration do not affect the coefficient of friction of the ceramic composite material, which remains virtually constant and is difficult to achieve with conventional cast iron elements.
Besides, at high temperatures, the reduced deformation of CCM units guarantees perfectly planar coupling with the brake pads.
This important quality is difficult to achieve with cast iron discs, which tend to deform when repeatedly subjected to major thermal stresses.

Furthermore, the surface of CCM discs never corrodes, even in contact with water or the salt solutions deposited on some sections of road during the winter season. This feature means that the wear resistance of CCM guarantees an approximate disc life of 150,000 km for road use and 2,000 km for extreme track use.

In combination with Carbon ceramic pads, the CCM disc guarantees uncompromised excellence in performance, driving comfort and aesthetic of the car.
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