Arahan untuk menggantikan kaliper brek pada kereta dan kenderaan komersial ringan

Sila baca dan ikuti semua arahan dengan teliti. Anda boleh mendapatkan arahan yang sama dalam pek kaliper brek. Jangan lupa untuk menyimpan arahan itu untuk keseluruhan kitaran hayat produk. Serahkan kepada pemilik baharu jika anda menjual kenderaan anda.
Arahan pemasangan ini ialah garis panduan untuk kerja pembaikan standard dan tidak mengambil kira sebarang ciri khas yang mungkin digunakan pada sistem brek yang berbeza. Arahan khas yang dikeluarkan oleh pengeluar kenderaan dan sistem brek mesti dipatuhi secara terperinci. 
Dokumen ini menyediakan arahan untuk penggantian kaliper:
1. Kaliper brek cakera tunggal
2. Kaliper tetap dwi-cakera
3. Kaliper terapung dengan pad pelekap jejari, taip 2x60/68.
Semua maklumat pada helaian arahan ini digunakan untuk ketiga-tiga jenis kaliper, melainkan dinyatakan sebaliknya.
Prosedur penggantian
Sebelum memulakan penggantian, pastikan alat ganti yang digunakan untuk penggantian adalah sesuai untuk pembuatan dan model kenderaan.
  • Keluarkan roda.
  • Catatkan kedudukan semua komponen yang dibuka separa atau sepenuhnya untuk pemasangan semula yang betul.
Smontaggio ruota
1. Lepaskan sambungan kabel penunjuk haus (perkara 1), jika ada, dari terminal dalam kenderaan, lepaskannya daripada sebarang lampiran pada casis dan pada kaliper.
2. Untuk model yang dipasang dengan pin belah keselamatan (perkara 2), keluarkannya menggunakan playar.
Smontaggio pinza freno
3. Dalam kes kaliper dwi-cakera, keluarkan spring (perkara 3) menggunakan playar.
Smontaggio ruota
4. Tarik keluar pin (perkara 4) menggunakan tukul dan pemacu pin. Tarik keluar sepenuhnya dengan tangan, pastikan anda mengekalkan spring (perkara 5) pada kedudukannya.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
5. Buka spring (perkara 5). Periksa paras cecair. Buka penutup takungan cecair brek.
AWAS! Langkah menarik balik omboh yang diterangkan di bawah menyebabkan paras cecair brek dalam takungan meningkat. Pastikan paras cecair brek tidak menyebabkan kebocoran, kerana ini akan merosakkan bahagian kenderaan yang dicat.
1. Tarik sedikit omboh menggunakan retraktor atau alat lain yang sesuai, tekan pada pad (perkara 6).
Omboh yang menarik ke belakang mesti kemudiannya membenarkan kaliper dilonggarkan daripada cakera.
2. Jika reka bentuk kaliper membenarkannya, tanggalkan pad. Jika tidak, keluarkannya selepas membuka kaliper. Jika anda berhasrat untuk menggunakan semula pad, tandakan arah putaran cakera padanya dengan penanda.
Smontaggio ruota
Smontaggio ruota
1. Keluarkan pad, sambil pada masa yang sama meluncurkan badan kaliper ke belakang dan ke hadapan pada bush pandu (perkara 7). Apabila badan kaliper diluncurkan, pad akan ditarik jauh sedikit dari cakera, menjadikannya lebih mudah untuk dikeluarkan.
Smontaggio ruota
Jika lekuk yang dihasilkan oleh kehausan cakera menghalang pengekstrakan pad, buka badan kaliper:
1. Tanggalkan skru (perkara 8) menggunakan sepana
Rimozione pastiglia freno
2. Dengan menggunakan pemutar skru, cungkil bush dari dudukan khususnya.
3. Keluarkan bush pandu (perkara 7) cukup untuk menanggalkannya daripada pendakap kaliper (perkara 9).
4. Pisahkan badan kaliper (perkara 10) sepenuhnya daripada pendakap kaliper (perkara 9) dan gantungkannya ke dalam casis kenderaan menggunakan cangkuk berbentuk S.
Smontaggio ruota
5. Keluarkan pad.

6. Jika anda berhasrat untuk menggunakan semula pad, tandakan arah putaran cakera padanya dengan penanda.
7. Untuk kaliper belakang (dengan mekanisme parkir), cabut kabel kawalan letak kereta (perkara 11).
BAHAYA! Talian cecair brek mesti kekal longgar dan tidak diregangkan. Jika anda meregangkan taliannya, talian itu boleh pecah dan cecair brek boleh bocor.
Untuk semua jenis kaliper
Smontaggio ruota
1. Tutup penutup takungan cecair brek.
2. Letakkan penjarak (perkara 12) di dalam petak penumpang di antara tempat duduk dan pedal brek untuk memastikan pedal terus ditekan untuk tempoh operasi ini.

AMARAN! Ini membolehkan litar hidraulik brek ditutup, mengelakkan sebarang cecair brek daripada bocor.
AWAS! Semasa semua fasa yang diterangkan di bawah, pastikan cecair brek tidak menyentuh bahagian kenderaan yang akan rosak, terutamanya bahagian yang dicat. Kesat segera sebarang percikan atau kebocoran cecair yang tidak disengajakan dengan tuala dan bersihkan dengan air.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
3. Longgarkan talian bekalan (perkara 13) pada kaliper cukup untuk dapat mengosongkannya sepenuhnya dengan tangan, tetapi elakkan sebarang cecair brek bocor.
4. Tanggalkan skru pengikat (perkara 14) menggunakan sepana hujung terbuka dan keluarkan kaliper dari gandar.
Smontaggio ruota
5. AWAS! Dalam kes kaliper dwi-cakera, buka hanya skru pengikat gandar. Jangan buka skru (perkara 15) yang menyambungkan separuh kaliper bersama.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
6. Tanggalkan talian bekalan (perkara 13) sepenuhnya daripada kaliper
7. Lap segera sebarang kebocoran cecair brek.
8. Pastikan talian bekalan dinaikkan untuk mengelakkan sebarang kebocoran cecair secara tidak sengaja.
9. Tarik kaliper untuk diganti.
Prosedur pemasangan
Smontaggio ruota
1. Masukkan pad (perkara 16) dalam kaliper baharu.

AMARAN! Mana-mana anak panah yang dicop pada pad mesti menghala ke arah putaran cakera.
BAHAYA! Pad mesti dimasukkan dengan bahan geseran menghadap cakera.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
2. AMARAN! Jika reka bentuk kaliper membenarkannya, pad juga boleh dimasukkan selepas kaliper dipasang, terus selepas langkah "ketatkan skru pengikat".
BAHAYA! Pastikan permukaan geseran tidak dicemari dengan gris, jika tidak semua kesan gris perlu dikeluarkan dengan kertas pasir.
Smontaggio pinza freno
3. Masukkan semula spring (perkara 5) dan pin (perkara 4) di dudukan khusus dalam kaliper dan pad. Pin mesti didorong sepenuhnya dengan menggunakan tukul dan pemacu pin.
Perhatikan arah orientasi semasa memasang mata air.
Smontaggio ruota
4. Pastikan spring berada pada kedudukan yang betul.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
5. Untuk model yang dipasang dengan pin belah keselamatan (perkara 2), letakkannya semula menggunakan sepasang playar. 
Smontaggio pinza freno
6. Periksa pin belah diletakkan dengan betul.
7. Bersihkan permukaan brek (perkara 17) pada cakera (perkara 18) menggunakan produk penyahgaraman (cth. pelarut SE 47).
8. Letakkan kaliper baharu pada gandar, masukkan cakera (perkara 18) di antara pad.
9. Ketatkan skru pengikat (perkara 14) dengan sepana hujung terbuka, gunakan tork pengetatan yang disyorkan oleh pengeluar kenderaan.
Sebagai alternatif, gunakan tork pengetatan yang disyorkan berikut sebagai rujukan:
Jenis skru M12x1,25 M12x1,5 M14x1,5
Tork pengetatan 115 Nm 125 Nm 180 Nm
10. Sambungkan semula kabel penunjuk haus, jika ada, ke terminal dalam kenderaan dan ke sebarang lampiran pada casis dan pada kaliper.
Smontaggio ruota
Smontaggio ruota
11. Sambungkan semula talian bekalan cecair brek.
12. Tanggalkan penjarak yang anda letakkan sebelum ini di dalam ruang penumpang, dengan itu melepaskan pedal dari brek dan membenarkan litar dibuka semula.
Smontaggio pinza freno
13. Untuk kaliper belakang jenis C (dengan mekanisme letak kereta), sambungkan semula kabel kawalan parkir (perkara 11).
14. Tanggalkan pin pengunci tuil (perkara 19).
15. Gunakan brek letak kereta di dalam kenderaan. Ulangi proses beberapa kali, sehingga lejang tuil mekanisme brek ditetapkan semula kepada nilai minimum.
16. Buka penutup takungan cecair brek.
Smontaggio ruota
17. Tanggalkan penutup pelindung (perkara 20) ​​dan sambungkan tiub lutsinar ke palam penjujuh (perkara 21) pada kaliper, yang hujungnya harus diletakkan di dalam bekas untuk mengumpul sebarang cecair.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
18. Buka palam penjujuh (perkara 21).
19. Tekan pedal brek kenderaan berulang kali sehingga cecair brek mula mengalir keluar dari palam penjujuh.
20. Sambil menahan pedal, tutup palam penjujuh. Lepaskan pedal, tunggu beberapa saat, kemudian ulangi proses sehingga cecair tanpa sebarang gelembung udara mengalir keluar dan sehingga rintangan dan perjalanan biasa pedal brek dipulihkan.
21. Ketatkan palam penjujuh menggunakan tork pengetatan yang dinyatakan dalam jadual:
Palam penjujuh M6x1 M6x1 M6x1 M6x1
Tork pengetatan 5÷7 Nm 7÷10 Nm 17÷20 Nm 18÷22 Nm
22. Tanggalkan tiub lutsinar dan letakkan semula penutup pelindung pada palam penjujuh.
23. Ulangi prosedur penjujuhan untuk sebarang palam penjujuh lain.

24. Selepas proses pendarahan, tarik kembali omboh dalam kaliper sepenuhnya menggunakan alat yang sesuai (seperti retraktor) dan kemudian tambahkan paras cecair, seperti yang disyorkan oleh pengeluar. 

25. Tutup penutup takungan cecair brek.

26. Semasa enjin hidup, berikan tekanan kuat pada pedal brek kenderaan dan pastikan tiada kebocoran cecair dari kaliper atau kehilangan tekanan yang tidak normal dalam litar dan lampu brek belakang menyala.

BAHAYA! Jika cecair bocor dari kaliper, ulangi semua langkah yang ditetapkan dalam dokumen ini untuk menentukan punca dan membetulkan masalah.​​
Smontaggio ruota
27. Dalam kes kaliper dengan brek letak kereta yang digabungkan, sambungkan terminal kabel brek parkir ke dudukannya pada kaliper. Tarik dan lepaskan brek letak kereta kabin berulang kali.
28. Pasang semula roda.
29. Jika pad baharu, masukkannya; ikut arahan yang disediakan bersama pad ganti.
Here the instructions for the replacement of brake calipers:
Floating calipers with central spring 
Smontaggio ruota
Floating calipers with 2 or 4 side springs and residual torque reducing springs.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
All the information on this instruction sheet applies to both types of calipers, unless otherwise specified.
Replacement procedure
Before commencing replacement, ascertain that the spare parts used for replacement are suitable for the make and model of the vehicle.  
  • Remove the wheel
  • Make a note of the position of all the partially or fully disassembled components for correct reassembly.
Smontaggio ruota
1. Disconnect the wear indicator (point 1), where present, from the terminal in the vehicle, releasing it from the shim (point 2) that secures it to the caliper and from any attachments on the chassis.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
2. Remove the protective caps (point 3) from the guiding bushes.
3. If the cap has a lip (point 4), snap off the cap by pulling on the lip (point 4) with your fingers.
4. If the cap is made of hard plastic (point 5), prise if off with a screwdriver. Removing the cap will break it.
WARNING! Do not reuse the disassembled hard plastic cap
CAUTION! The guiding bush to disassemble must be the one that allows the caliper body to turn without causing the brake fluid supply line to stretch.
WARNING! There are two types of guiding bushes:
 - with separate screw
 - with incorporated screw

Rimozione pastiglia freno
5. Loosen and completely remove the screw (point 6) or incorporated guiding bush (point 7) using a spann 
WARNING! If there are any brake pads glued to the caliper, detach them using a screwdriver.

DANGER! Opening the caliper body may cause the residual torque reducing springs to spring open. 
Smontaggio pinza freno
6. In the case of a non-incorporated guiding bush (point 8), pull the guiding bush out of the caliper bracket (point 9) prising it out of its seat with a screwdriver.
7. When replacing the caliper on rear wheels with suspension and leaf springs, both the guiding bushes (point 8) must be removed to separate the caliper body (point 10) completely from the caliper bracket (point 9).
Rimozione pastiglia freno
8. Pull the caliper body (point  10) away from the caliper bracket (point 9) by twisting it around the other guiding bush until the pads come out of the caliper bracket. Attach the caliper body to the vehicle chassis using appropriate supports.
Smontaggio pinza freno
9. Remove the pads (point 11) and springs (point 12) without causing any damage so you can reassemble them onto the new caliper.
Smontaggio ruota
10. Use a marker to mark the direction of rotation of the disc on the pads to avoid reassembling them incorrectly.
11. If they are still in position, remove the residual torque reducing springs (point 13).
Rimozione pastiglia freno
12. Place a spacer (point 14) inside the passenger compartment between the seat and the brake pedal to make sure the pedal remains pressed for the duration of these operations.

WARNING! This allows the brake hydraulic circuit to be closed, avoiding any brake fluid from leaking.
CAUTION! During all the phases described below, make sure the brake fluid does not come into contact with parts of the vehicle which would be damaged, especially painted parts. Promptly wipe off any accidental brake fluid splashes or leaks with kitchen towel and clean with water.
Smontaggio pinza freno
13. Loosen the supply line (point 15) on the caliper enough to be able to screw it off completely by hand, as this will avoid any brake fluid leaking out.
14. Unscrew the fixing bolts (point 16) using an open-ended spanner and remove the caliper bracket (point 9) from the hub bracket.
15. Detach the supply line (point 15) completely from the caliper body.
16. Promptly wipe off any brake fluid leaks.
17. Keep the supply line raised to prevent any fluid leaks.
18. In the case of calipers with an incorporated parking brake, disconnect the parking brake cable from its seat on the caliper.
19. Pull away the caliper to be replaced.
20. Clean the braking surfaces (point 17) on the disc using a degreasing product (e.g. Solvent SE47).
Caliper fitting procedure
CAUTION! Do not disassemble the protective cap from the fluid inlet hole on the new caliper until you connect the supply line to it.
Lubricate the bushes and dust covers using the grease provided before fitting the new caliper.

WARNING! EUH210 - Safety data sheet available upon request.
WARNING! EUH208 - Contains N-alkylated benzotriazole. May cause an allergic reaction.

1. Remove the protective caps from the bushes, where present.
2. Loosen the screws or guiding bushes with incorporated screw.
3. In the case of separate screws, take the screws out completely.
4. Pull the caliper body away from the caliper support.
WARNING! To avoid damaging the dust covers, pull out the bushes from the side of the cover.

5. Remove the covers.
6. Thoroughly clean all the components to be fitted, the bush seats and the cover seats using appropriate products (e.g. a damp cloth).
7. Clean the mounting faces on the hub bracket.
Smontaggio ruota
8. Position the new caliper bracket (point 18) by inserting it in the disc.
9. Insert and approach the two fixing bolts (points 19 and 20).
10. Tighten the fixing bolt on the disc entry side (point 19) (in forward gear) applying the tightening torque recommended by the vehicle manufacturer.
11. Tighten the second fixing bolt 20 (on the disc exit side) applying the tightening torque recommended by the vehicle manufacturer.
Use the following recommended tightening torques for reference:
Type of screw Tightening torque
M12x1,25 115 Nm
M12x1,5 125 Nm
M14x1,5 180 Nm
M16x1,5 210 Nm
Rimozione pastiglia freno
12. Grease the entire inner surface of the covers (point 21) and the contact profile (point 22) with the caliper body evenly.
13. Insert the covers (point 21) in the seats (point 23) on the caliper body.

CAUTION! Using your finger, check the cover has been inserted and seated in the caliper body correctly.
14. Grease the external surface of the bushes (point 24) and their seats (point 25) in the caliper body, insert the bushes in the caliper body from the side opposite the cover.

15. Push the bushes (point 24) until the covers (point 21) fit in their seat (point 26).
Smontaggio ruota
16. Remove any excess grease.
17. Fit the caliper body onto the caliper bracket threading through and screwing on the screw or the incorporated bush on the disc exit side (in forward gear).
18. Pull the caliper body (point  27) away from the caliper bracket (point 18) by twisting it around the guiding bush until the pads go into the caliper bracket. Attach the caliper body to the vehicle chassis using appropriate supports.

CAUTION! Do not use the guiding bush seat as a point of attachment.
Fitting the pads
Smontaggio ruota
1. Where envisaged, fit the side springs (point 12) in the caliper bracket, exerting the right amount of pressure to attach them securely.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
2. In the case of calipers with four springs, always fit the springs with the vanes facing the outside of the caliper bracket.

CAUTION! Observe the correct fitting direction.
WARNING! IF there are any pads with an adhesive side, then new pads must be fitted; follow the instructions provided with the spare pads.
CAUTION! The pad with a wear indicator must be fitted back into the position it was originally in before being disassembled.
Smontaggio pinza freno
3. Reinsert the pads (point 11) in the caliper bracket (point 18); for type B calipers, use a screwdriver to prise open the side springs  (point 12).

WARNING! Any arrows stamped on the pads must be pointing in the disc rotation direction.
DANGER! Pads must be inserted with the friction material facing the disc.
4. Thread the wear indicator cable (point 1) through the dedicated duct as follows:
For type A calipers - in the spring (point 28). 
Smontaggio ruota
For type B calipers - in the caliper body (point 27).
Rimozione pastiglia freno
If there are any pads with an adhesive side, remove the protective film.
Smontaggio ruota
4. Close the caliper carefully, by twisting the caliper body (point 27) around the screwed-on guiding bush. If there are any pads with an adhesive side, take care not to create contacts between the caliper body and the pad before you have completed the caliper body fitting.

CAUTION! Close the caliper carefully, making sure the protective covers on the bushes are not damaged by knocking against the caliper bracket.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
5. Move the caliper body (point 27) towards the caliper bracket (point 18).
6. Reinsert the guiding bush (point 29) in the caliper bracket seat. 
Smontaggio ruota
7. Insert and screw in a new screw (point 30), where present.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
8. When replacing the caliper on rear wheels with suspension and leaf springs, the caliper body (point 27) must be repositioned on the caliper bracket (point 18), then reinsert both guiding bushes (point 29) and insert and tighten two new screws (point 30), where present.
Smontaggio ruota
9. If it is not screwed in yet, tighten the guiding bush fastening screw or the incorporated guiding bush on the disc entry side (in forward gear). Next, tighten the other screw or the other incorporated guiding bush at the same torque.
10. Tighten at the tightening torque specified in the following table:
Type    Tightening torque
Fastening screw (M8 – CH6) 32 ÷ 36 Nm
Guiding bush with incorporated screw (M8 – CH6) 32 ÷ 36 Nm
Guiding bush with incorporated screw (M10 – CH8) 65 ÷ 75 Nm
DANGER! Observe the tightening sequence described; failing to could compromise the proper functioning of the caliper.
11. In the case of residual torque reducing springs (point 31) hook the spring under the plate (point 32) of the pad and hook the underside of the plate on the other pad with the aid of a hollow tip screwdriver.

DANGER! Incorrect attachment of the spring could cause it to spring open.
CAUTION! Observe the correct fitting direction.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
12. Carefully clean the parts (point 33) to make sure they stay in place and fit new protective caps (point 34), greasing their internal surface and the caliper body seat with grease provided in the spare part kit.
13. Turn the protective cap (point 34) so that it adheres fully to the seat (point 35).
14. Reconnect the wear indicator, where present, to the terminal in the vehicle, securing it with a light pressure to the shim present on the caliper and securing any attachments on the chassis.
15. Remove the protective cap from the brake fluid inlet hole (point 36).
16. Reconnect the brake fluid supply line.
17. Remove the spacer you previously placed inside the passenger compartment, thereby releasing the pedal from the brake and allowing the hydraulic circuit to reopen.
18. Open the brake fluid reservoir cap.
Smontaggio ruota
19. Remove the protective cap (point 37) and connect a transparent tube to the bleeder plug (point 38) on the caliper, the ends of which should be placed in a container to collect any fluid.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
20. Open the bleeder plug (point 38).
21. Repeatedly press the vehicle brake pedal until brake fluid starts to flow out of the bleeder plug.
22. Holding down the pedal, close the bleeder plug. Release the pedal, wait a few seconds, then repeat the process until fluid without any air bubbles flows out and until the usual resistance and travel of the brake pedal are restored.
23. Tighten the bleeder plug applying the tightening torque specified in the table:
Bleeder plug M6x1 M8x1,25 M10x1 M12x1
Tightening torque 5÷7 Nm 7÷10 Nm 17÷20 Nm 18÷22 Nm
24. Remove the transparent tube and reposition the protective cap on the bleeder plug.
25. Repeat the bleeding procedure for any other bleeder plugs.

26. After the bleeding process, pull back the pistons in the caliper completely using an appropriate tool (such as a retractor) and then top up the fluid level, as recommended by the manufacturer.

27. Close the brake fluid reservoir cap.

28. With the engine running, apply strong pressure to the vehicle brake pedal and check there are no fluid leaks from the caliper or abnormal pressure losses in the circuit and that the rear brake lights come on.
DANGER! If fluid is leaking from the caliper, repeat all the steps set out in this document to pinpoint the cause and remedy the problem.
29. In the case of calipers with an incorporated parking brake, connect the parking brake cable terminal to its seat on the caliper.
Smontaggio ruota

30. Pull and release the cabin parking brake repeatedly.
31. Refit the wheel.
32. If the pads are new, run them in; follow the instructions provided with the spare pads. 
Here the instructions for the replacement of components for commercial vehicle floating calipers (type ECS53 and ECS60) with incorporated electric parking mechanism:
1. Actuator unit
2. Pads
3. Caliper body (without pads and caliper bracket) 
4. Caliper bracket
WARNING! Read this document before replacing the spare parts contained in the pack. Only perform those steps required for replacing the spare part or parts contained in the pack.
Replacement procedure
Before commencing replacement, ascertain that the spare parts used for replacement are suitable for the make and model of the vehicle.  
WARNING! In the event of an electrical failure, disassemble the actuator unit and pull the piston back, turning the torx screw clockwise with a suitable spanner.
  • Make a note of the position of all the partially or fully disassembled components for correct reassembly.
Smontaggio ruota
1. Connect the diagnostics tool (On Board Diagnosis - OBD) to the vehicle and put it in maintenance mode procedure as described by the vehicle manufacturer.

CAUTION! Make sure the spare part is compatible with the vehicle software.
2. Remove the wheel.
Smontaggio ruota
3. Release the actuator unit electricity supply cable from the cable gland.
4. For caliper type ECS60 loosen and remove the cable gland (point 5).
5. Disconnect the electricity supply cable (point 6) from the actuator unit.
WARNING! The connector may be fitted with a safety latch.
Disassembling the actuator unit 
WARNING! Proceed with disassembling the actuator unit only if a separate spare part is available.
1. Loosen the fastening screws (point 7) from the actuator unit (point 1).
2. Remove the actuator unit (point 1).
3. Remove the seal (point 8).
Rimozione pastiglia freno
Disassembling the pads
CAUTION! Do not damage any components you intend to re-use.
DANGER! Do not cause the brake fluid supply line to stretch.
Smontaggio ruota
1. Disconnect the wear indicator (point 9), where present, from the terminal in the vehicle, releasing it from the shim that secures it to the caliper and from any attachments on the chassis.
2. Remove the protective cap (point 10) from the secondary bush (forward drive revolution disc exit side).
Smontaggio pinza freno
3. If the cap is made of hard plastic (point 11), prise if off with a screwdriver. Removing the cap will break it.

WARNING! Do not reuse the disassembled hard plastic cap
Smontaggio ruota
4. Loosen and remove the secondary screw (point 12).
5. For caliper type ECS60 use a screwdriver to prise the bush out of the groove to release it from the caliper bracket.
Smontaggio pinza freno
6. Remove the protective cap (point 14) from the primary bush (forward drive revolution disc entry side).
7. Loosen the primary screw (point 15) completely and remove it.

WARNING! Use a screwdriver to prise the guiding bushes out from the grooves.
8. Take out the primary guiding bush (point 16) enough to release it from the caliper bracket.
Smontaggio pinza freno
9. Pull the caliper body (point 3) away from the caliper bracket (point 4) taking care not to cause the brake fluid supply line to stretch.
10. Attach the caliper body to the vehicle chassis using appropriate supports.

CAUTION! Do not use the bush seat as a point of attachment.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
11. Remove the pads (point 17) and springs (point 18) without causing any damage so you can reassemble them onto the new caliper.
Smontaggio pinza freno
12. If they are still in position, remove the residual torque reducing springs (point 19).

WARNING! For the correct refitting of the same pads, mark some arrows (where not present) on the pads with a marker to indicate the direction of rotation of the disc.
Disassembling the caliper body
Smontaggio ruota
1. Place a spacer (point 20) inside the passenger compartment between the seat and the brake pedal to make sure the pedal remains pressed for the duration of these operations.

AWARNING! This allows the brake hydraulic circuit to be closed, avoiding any brake fluid from leaking.
CAUTION! During all the phases described below, make sure the brake fluid does not come into contact with parts of the vehicle which would be damaged, especially painted parts. Promptly wipe off any accidental brake fluid splashes or leaks with kitchen towel and clean with water.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
2. Loosen the supply line (point 21) on the caliper enough to be able to screw it off completely by hand, as this will avoid any brake fluid leaking out.
3. Detach the supply line (point 21) completely from the caliper body.
Smontaggio ruota
4. Promptly wipe off any brake fluid leaks.

5. Keep the supply line raised to prevent any fluid leaks.
6. Pull away the caliper body (point 3).
Disassembling the caliper bracket
Smontaggio ruota
CAUTION! During disassembly, keep the caliper bracket in position to avoid it accidentally dropping.
1. Loosen the fastening screws (point 22).
2. Remove the caliper bracket (point 4) from the hub bracket.
Fitting procedure
Smontaggio ruota 
Reassemble the new spare components.
1. Thoroughly clean all the components to be fitted (whether new or removed previously), the bush seats and the spring seats using appropriate products (e.g. a damp cloth).

DANGER! Make sure the components are intact, replace them with new ones if damaged.
2. Clean the mounting faces (point 23) on the hub bracket.
3. Clean the braking surfaces (point 24) on the disc using a degreasing product (e.g. Solvent SE47).
Fitting the caliper bracket
Smontaggio ruota 
1. Position the new caliper bracket (point 25) on the hub bracket.

2. Insert and tighten the fastening screws (point 26) at the tightening torque recommended by the vehicle manufacturer.
Fitting the pads and caliper body 
Smontaggio ruota
1. Reinsert the springs (point 27), placing them the right way round in their seats.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
2. For caliper type ECS52 with four springs, always fit the springs with the vanes (point 28) facing the outside of the caliper bracket.

WARNING! IF there are any pads with an adhesive side, then new pads must be fitted; follow the instructions provided with the spare pads.
CAUTION! The pad with a wear indicator must be fitted back into the position it was originally in before being disassembled.
DANGER! Pads must be inserted with the friction material facing the disc.
Smontaggio pinza freno
3. Reinsert the pads (point 29) in the caliper bracket (point 25); use a screwdriver to prise open the side springs (point 27).
Smontaggio ruota
4. In the case of residual torque reducing springs (point 30) hook the spring under the plate (point 31) of the pad and hook the underside of the plate on the other pad with the aid of a hollow tip screwdriver.

DANGER! Incorrect attachment of the spring could cause it to spring open.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
CAUTION! Observe the correct fitting direction.

CAUTION! If the caliper body is new, do not disassemble the protective cap from the fluid inlet hole on the new caliper until you connect the supply line to it.
6. Position the caliper body (point 32) by inserting it in the disc, so that the guiding bushes coincide with the holes on the caliper bracket.

CAUTION! Do not damage the covers.
7. Push the guiding bushes (point 33) into their seats on the caliper bracket.
8. Insert and tighten the screws (point 34) using a tightening torque of 32 ÷ 36 Nm.
9. Position the caps (point 35).

CAUTION! Before removing the protective cap, leave the supply point as high as possible, making sure none of the brake fluid inside the caliper leaks out.
10. Reconnect the wear indicator cable, where present, to the terminal in the vehicle, securing it with a light pressure to the shim on the caliper, where present, and securing any attachments on the chassis.
Smontaggio pinza freno

Connecting the brake fluid supply line
Rimozione pastiglia freno
1. Remove the protective cap (point 36) from the brake fluid inlet hole.
2. Reconnect the brake fluid supply line (point 21).
3. Remove the spacer you previously placed inside the passenger compartment, thereby releasing the pedal from the brake and allowing the circuit to reopen.
Smontaggio ruota
4. Remove the protective cap (point 37) from the bleeder plug (point 38).
5. Connect a transparent tube to the bleeder plug (point 38) on the caliper, the ends of which should be placed in a container to collect any fluid.
Smontaggio pinza freno
6. Open the bleeder plug (point 38).
7. Repeatedly press the vehicle brake pedal until brake fluid starts to flow out of the bleeder plug.

8. Holding down the pedal, close the bleeder plug. Release the pedal, wait a few seconds, then repeat the process until fluid without any air bubbles flows out and until the usual resistance and travel of the brake pedal are restored.
9. Tighten the bleeder plug (point 38) applying the tightening torque specified in the following table:
Bleeder type M10x1
Tightening torque 12÷16 Nm
10. Remove the transparent tube.
11. Repeat the bleeding procedure for any other bleeder plugs.
12. Reposition the protective cap (point 37).
13. After the bleeding process, pull back the pistons in the caliper completely using an appropriate tool (such as a retractor) and then top up the fluid level, as recommended by the manufacturer.

14. With the engine running, apply strong pressure to the vehicle brake pedal and check there are no fluid leaks from the caliper or abnormal pressure losses in the circuit and that the rear brake lights come on.

DANGER! If fluid is leaking from the caliper, repeat all the steps set out in this document to pinpoint the cause and remedy the problem.
Smontaggio ruota
Fitting the actuator unit
WARNING! The actuator unit may be supplied already fitted to the caliper body.

Reassemble the new spare components.
  •  Clean any components you removed previously before reassembling them.
CAUTION! Always use new screws with thread locker. Always fit a new seal.
DANGER! Make sure the components are intact, replace them with new ones if damaged
Smontaggio ruota
1. Clean the contact surface on the caliper and on the actuator unit.
2. Remove any thread locker residue from threaded screw seats.
3. Clean and lubricate the seal (point 39) with the grease supplied.
4. Lubricate the internal diameter of the actuator unit coupling with the grease supplied.

WARNING! EUH210 - Safety data sheet available upon request.
WARNING! EUH208 - Contains N-alkylated benzotriazole. May cause an allergic reaction.
Smontaggio ruota
5. Position the seal (point 39) in its seat (point 40) on the caliper body.
6. Fit the actuator unit (point 41) on the torx screw (point 42) on the caliper body.
7. Turn the actuator unit (point 41) so that the holes (point 43) of the fastening screws (point 44) coincide with their original fitting position.

CAUTION! Avoid pinching the seal (point 39) when fitting the actuator unit on the caliper body.
8. Insert and tighten the fastening screws (point 44) at a tightening torque of 7 ÷ 10 Nm.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
9. Remove the protective cap (point 45), where present, and connect the electrical supply cable (point 6).
10. Where removed previously, screw on the cable gland (point 5).
11. Secure the actuator unit electricity supply cable (point 6) to the cable gland (point 5).
Final phases
1. Refit the wheel.
2. Perform the reset procedure (Assembly check).
3. If necessary, reset the counters (Reset Internal Counters) as prescribed by the vehicle manufacturer.
4. If required by the vehicle manufacturer, run in the pads.
5. Disconnect the diagnostics device. (On Board Diagnosis – OBD).
Here the instructions for the replacement of the caliper body for floating calipers with 2 or 4 side springs and residual torque reducing springs.
When replacing only the fastening screws, only refer to the relevant parts.
Smontaggio ruota
Replacement procedure
Before commencing replacement, ascertain that the spare parts used for replacement are suitable for the make and model of the vehicle.  
  • Make a note of the position of all the partially or fully disassembled components for correct reassembly.
  • Remove the wheel.
For ECS calipers
WARNING! In the event of an electrical failure, disassemble the actuator unit (point 5) and pull the piston back, turning the torx screw clockwise with a suitable spanner 
Smontaggio ruota
1. Connect the diagnostics tool (On Board Diagnosis - OBD) to the vehicle and put it in maintenance mode procedure as described by the vehicle manufacturer.

CAUTION! Without this operation, the piston cannot be pulled back with the retractor or another suitable tool.
CAUTION! Make sure the spare part is compatible with the vehicle software.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
2. Disconnect the electricity supply cable (point 2) from the actuator unit.

WARNING! The connector may be fitted with a safety latch.
For all types of calipers
Smontaggio ruota
1. For calipers with a parking brake, detach the control cable (point 3) from the caliper.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
2. Disconnect the wear indicator (point 4), where present, from the terminal in the vehicle, releasing it from the shim (point 5) that secures it to the caliper and from any attachments on the chassis.
Smontaggio pinza freno
3. Remove the protective caps (point 6) from the guiding bushes.
Smontaggio ruota
4. If the cap has a lip (point 7), snap off the cap by pulling on the lip (point 7) with your fingers.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
5. If the cap is made of hard plastic (point 8), prise if off with a screwdriver. Removing the cap will break it.
WARNING! Do not reuse the disassembled hard plastic cap
CAUTION! The guiding bush to disassemble must be the one that allows the caliper body to turn without causing the brake fluid supply line to stretch.
WARNING!  There are two types of guiding busheswith separate screw, with incorporated screw.​​​​​
Smontaggio pinza freno
6. Loosen and completely remove the screw (point 9) or incorporated guiding bush (point 10) using a spanner.
Smontaggio ruota
7. In the case of a non-incorporated guiding bush (point 11), pull the guiding bush out of the caliper bracket (point 12) prising it out of its seat with a screwdriver.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
8. When replacing the caliper on rear wheels with suspension and leaf springs, both the guiding bushes 11 must be removed to separate the caliper body (point 13) completely from the caliper bracket (point 12).

WARNING! If there are any brake pads glued to the caliper, detach them using a screwdriver and take care not to damage any rubber parts of the caliper.
DANGER! Opening the caliper body may cause the residual torque reducing springs to spring open.
Smontaggio pinza freno
9. Pull the caliper body (point 13) away from the caliper bracket (point 12) by twisting it around the other guiding bush until the pads (point 14) come out of the caliper bracket. Attach the caliper body to the vehicle chassis using appropriate supports. Do not use the bush seat as a point of attachment.
Smontaggio ruota
11. Remove the pads (point 14) without causing any damage.
12. Use a marker to mark the direction of rotation of the disc on the pads to avoid reassembling them incorrectly.
Smontaggio ruota
14. If they are still in position, remove the residual torque reducing springs (point 15).
Rimozione pastiglia freno
15. Place a spacer (point 16) inside the passenger compartment between the seat and the brake pedal to make sure the pedal remains pressed for the duration of these operations.
WARNING! This allows the brake hydraulic circuit to be closed, avoiding any brake fluid from leaking.
CAUTION! During all the phases described below, make sure the brake fluid does not come into contact with parts of the vehicle which would be damaged, especially painted parts. Promptly wipe off any accidental brake fluid splashes or leaks with kitchen towel and clean with water.
Smontaggio ruota
16. Loosen the supply line (point 17) on the caliper enough to be able to screw it off completely by hand, as this will avoid any brake fluid leaking out.
17. Loosen completely and remove the screw (point 9) or incorporated guiding bush (point 10).
18. In the case of a non-incorporated guiding bush (point 11), pull the guiding bush out of the caliper bracket (point 12) prising it out of its seat with a screwdriver.
19. Pull the caliper body (point 13) away from the caliper bracket (point 12) taking care not to cause the brake fluid supply line to stretch.
20. Detach the supply line (point 17) completely from the caliper body.
Smontaggio ruota
21. Promptly wipe off any brake fluid leaks.

22. Keep the supply line raised to prevent any brake fluid leaks.
23. Pull away the caliper to be replaced.

24. In the case of calipers with an incorporated parking brake, disconnect the parking brake cable from its seat on the caliper.
25. Clean the braking surfaces on the disc using a degreasing product (e.g. Solvent SE47).
Fitting the pads
CAUTION! If there are any pads with an adhesive side, then new pads must be fitted; follow the instructions provided with the spare pads.
Smontaggio ruota
1.Check the springs are correctly positioned. In the case of calipers with four springs, make sure the vanes are always facing the outside of the caliper bracket.

CAUTION! Incorrect spring positioning could possibly cause injury.​​​​
Rimozione pastiglia freno
2. Insert the pads (point 14) in the caliper bracket (point 12). Use a screwdriver to press the side springs.

WARNING! Any arrows stamped on the pads must be pointing in the disc rotation direction.
DANGER! Pads must be inserted with the friction material facing the disc.
CAUTION! The pad with a wear indicator must be fitted back into the position it was originally in before being disassembled.
Smontaggio pinza freno
3. Where present, attach the wear indicator terminal (point 20)  to the pad opposite the pistons, replacing it if necessary.

CAUTION! When attaching the wear indicator terminal, make sure the most protruding part is facing the friction surface on the pad.
Fitting the caliper body
CAUTION! For calipers with a parking brake - while the caliper body is disassembled from the brake disc and/or the brake pads are absent, do not move the piston either hydraulically or using the lever as this could damage the spring and/or cause the brake fluid to leak.
Smontaggio ruota
1. On the caliper bracket, wipe the fitting areas (point 21) with the caliper body (guide seats) with a damp cloth.

CAUTION! Do not use products which could damage the protective covers, such as nitro-tetrachloroethylene thinner, petrol, etc.
2. Clean and uniformly grease the entire internal surface of the covers, the external surface of the guiding bushes and their seats in the caliper body.​​​​​
Smontaggio ruota
3. Position the new caliper body (point 22), setting one of the two guiding bushes (point 10) in the seat on the caliper bracket (point 12).

CAUTION! Don’t remove the protective cap from the brake fluid inlet hole until the tube is connected definitively.
4. In the case of a non-incorporated guiding bush (point 11), fit and tighten a new screw (point 23).
5. Close the caliper carefully, by twisting the caliper body (point 22) around the seated guiding bush.
Smontaggio ruota
CAUTION! Close the caliper carefully, making sure the protective covers on the bushes are not damaged by knocking against the caliper support. Replace the covers if necessary.

WARNING! If there are any pads with an adhesive side, take care not to create contacts between the body and the pad before you have completed the caliper body fitting.
6. Thread the wear indicator probe (point 20) through the dedicated hole in the caliper body (point 22).
Rimozione pastiglia freno
7. Reinsert the other guiding bush (point 10) in the caliper bracket seat (point 12).
8. In the case of a non-incorporated guiding bush (point 11), fit and tighten a new screw (point 24).

CAUTION! When replacing the caliper bracket on rear wheels with suspension and leaf springs, the caliper body must be repositioned on the caliper bracket, then reinsert both guiding bushes and insert and tighten two new screws.
Smontaggio ruota
9. Tighten the guiding bush fastening screw or the incorporated guiding bush (point 24) on the disc entry side (in forward gear). Next, tighten the other screw or the incorporated guiding bush (point 25) at the same torque.
10. Tighten at the tightening torque specified in the following table:
Type   Tightening torque
Fastening screw (M8 – CH6) 32 ÷ 36 Nm
Guiding bush with incorporated screw (M8 – CH6) 32 ÷ 36 Nm
Guiding bush with incorporated screw (M10 – CH8) 65 ÷ 75 Nm
DANGER! Observe the tightening sequence described; failing to could compromise the proper functioning of the caliper.
Smontaggio ruota
11. In the case of residual torque reducing springs (point 26) hook the spring under the plate (point 27) of the pad and hook the underside of the plate on the other pad with the aid of a hollow tip screwdriver.

DANGER!  Incorrect attachment of the spring could cause it to spring open.
CAUTION!  Observe the correct fitting direction.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
12. Carefully clean the part (point 28) to make sure it stays in place and fit new protective caps (point 29), greasing their internal surface and the caliper body seat with grease provided in the spare part kit.
WARNING! EUH210 - Safety data sheet available upon request.
WARNING! EUH208 - Contains N-alkylated benzotriazole. May cause an allergic reaction.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
13. Turn the protective caps (point 29) so that they adhere fully to the seat (point 30).
14. Reconnect the wear indicator, where present, to the terminal in the vehicle, securing it with a light pressure to the shim present on the caliper and securing any attachments on the chassis.
15. Remove the protective cap from the brake fluid inlet hole.
16. Reconnect the brake fluid supply line.
17. Remove the spacer you previously placed inside the passenger compartment, thereby releasing the pedal from the brake and allowing the circuit to reopen.
For calipers with a parking brake 
CAUTION! Before assembling the piston with the pads, make sure the caliper bracket, pads and disc are present.
  • Use the lever to assemble the piston with the pads.
    CAUTION! Hydraulic operation is only permitted when the piston is less than 1 mm from the pads.
For all types of calipers
1. Connect a transparent tube to the bleeder plug (point 31) on the caliper, the ends of which should be placed in a container to collect any fluid.
2. Open the bleeder plug (point 31).
3. Repeatedly press the vehicle brake pedal until brake fluid starts to flow out of the bleeder plug.
4. Holding down the pedal, close the bleeder plug. Release the pedal, wait a few seconds, then repeat the process until fluid without any air bubbles flows out and until the usual resistance and travel of the brake pedal are restored.

5. Tighten the bleeder plug (point 31) applying the tightening torque specified in the table:
Bleeder plug M6x1 M8x1,25 M10x1 M12x1
Tightening torque 5÷7 Nm 7÷10 Nm 17÷20 Nm 18÷22 Nm
Rimozione pastiglia freno
6. Remove the transparent tube.
7. Repeat the bleeding procedure for any other bleeder plugs.
8. After the bleeding process, pull back the pistons in the caliper completely using an appropriate tool (such as a retractor) and then top up the fluid level, as recommended by the manufacturer.
9. Close the brake fluid reservoir cap.
10. With the engine running, apply strong pressure to the vehicle brake pedal and check there are no fluid leaks from the caliper or abnormal pressure losses in the circuit and that the rear brake lights come on.
DANGER! If fluid is leaking from the caliper, repeat all the steps set out in this document to pinpoint the cause and remedy the problem.
For calipers with a parking brake 
  • Reconnect the wear indicator, where present, to the terminal in the vehicle, securing it with a light pressure to the shim present on the caliper and securing any attachments on the chassis.
  • Restore the correct tension to the control cable.
  • Repeatedly operate the parking brake lever in the vehicle cab until the usual stroke has been re-established.
For ECS calipers
Smontaggio ruota
1. Remove the protective cap (where present) and connect the electrical supply cable (point 2).

2. Perform the reset procedure (Assembly check).
3. If necessary, reset the counters (Reset Internal Counters) as prescribed by the vehicle manufacturer.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
4. If required by the vehicle manufacturer, run in the pads.
5. Disconnect the diagnostics device (On Board Diagnosis - OBD).
For all types of calipers
1. Refit the wheel.
2. If the pads are new, run them in; follow the instructions provided with the spare pads.
Pembatasan waranti
Waranti ini meliputi semua kecacatan pematuhan yang berlaku dalam tempoh dua tahun dari penghantaran barang. Pengguna dikehendaki melaporkan kepada penjual kecacatan pematuhan dalam tempoh dua bulan dari tarikh penemuan kecacatan tersebut, tanpa menjejaskan fakta bahawa tempoh had untuk mengambil tindakan yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan ganti rugi bagi kecacatan tersebut adalah dua puluh enam bulan dari penyampaian kebaikan. Sekiranya berlaku kecacatan pematuhan, pengguna mempunyai hak untuk membaiki atau menggantikan barang itu, atau kepada pengurangan harga yang sesuai atau penamatan kontrak, seperti yang ditetapkan oleh seni. 130 Kod Pengguna, jika berkenaan.
Waranti ini merupakan satu-satunya waranti yang diberikan berhubung dengan produk ini dan menggantikan sebarang waranti lain, baik secara lisan mahupun bertulis.

Sekiranya berlaku kecacatan, pengguna dikehendaki:
  • di bawah penalti pembatalan, untuk memberitahu pengilang dan pengedar secara bertulis dalam tempoh enam puluh hari; pada masa yang sama, pengguna hendaklah memberikan penerangan tentang kecacatan yang terdapat pada Produk atau pada bahagian yang dipulangkan, dan bukti pembelian pengguna asal yang mengenal pasti kedua-dua Produk dan tarikh pembelian (sama ada dibeli secara runcit atau dijual oleh pengedar sebagai sebahagian daripada pemasangan Produk);
  • untuk menghantar Produk yang diandaikan rosak kepada Brembo S.p.A. ke ibu pejabat di melalui Brembo 25 -24035 Curno (BG) - Itali, melalui rantaian pengedaran. 
Waranti tidak beroperasi untuk:
  • kerosakan pada Produk yang disebabkan, sebahagian atau keseluruhannya, oleh penggunaan yang salah, kemalangan, kebakaran, kakisan kimia, penggunaan untuk tujuan selain daripada yang dijadualkan, penggunaan haram, penggunaan pada model yang berbeza daripada yang dijadualkan, pemasangan yang salah, pemasangan yang bertentangan dengan arahan daripada Pengeluar, atau kekurangan penyelenggaraan pada Produk seperti yang ditetapkan oleh Pengeluar dalam arahan yang diberikan;
  • aduan yang berkaitan dengan keselesaan, kehadiran bunyi bising, getaran atau ciri penunggangan yang keras.
Produk telah direka bentuk dan dihasilkan untuk model dan penggunaan khusus yang ditunjukkan dalam katalog Brembo dan/atau oleh pengedar produk Brembo, kedua-duanya boleh didapati di tapak web Brembo ( Produk hendaklah digunakan mengikut undang-undang yang berkuat kuasa di negeri-negeri dan/atau di negara-negara yang kenderaannya apabila Produk yang dipasang digunakan, termasuk, tetapi tanpa had kepada, pematuhan peraturan-peraturan Kod Lebuhraya dan selepas mendapat sebarang kebenaran/kelulusan, permit atau lesen yang diperlukan oleh negeri dan/atau negara.
Untuk produk yang dijual di wilayah negara anggota Kesatuan Eropah, Had Waranti ini beroperasi dengan mematuhi peruntukan Arahan 85/374/EEC Majlis 25 Julai 1985.
Untuk produk yang dijual di wilayah Amerika Syarikat, Had Waranti ini beroperasi dengan mematuhi mana-mana undang-undang persekutuan atau negeri yang berkenaan.
Maklumat am dan keselamatan
Produk Brembo ini telah direka bentuk untuk mematuhi semua piawaian keselamatan yang berkenaan. Produk tidak bertujuan untuk digunakan secara berbeza daripada penggunaan khusus yang telah direka dan dihasilkan. Penggunaan untuk sebarang tujuan lain, atau sebarang pengubahsuaian atau pengubahan Produk boleh menjejaskan prestasi Produk dan boleh menyebabkan Produk tidak selamat.
Pengubahsuaian atau penggunaan yang tidak wajar sedemikian akan membatalkan Waranti Terhad, dan boleh menyebabkan individu tersebut menggunakan Produk tersebut kepada liabiliti untuk kecederaan badan atau kerosakan harta benda kepada orang lain.
Dalam arahan ini, amaran “BAHAYA!” bermaksud prosedur yang, jika tidak dipatuhi, mempunyai tahap kebarangkalian tinggi bahawa ia akan menyebabkan kecederaan serius atau bahkan kematian. “AWAS” bermaksud prosedur yang, jika tidak dipatuhi, boleh mengakibatkan kerosakan fizikal manakala “AMARAN!” bermaksud prosedur yang, jika tidak dipatuhi, mungkin boleh menyebabkan kerosakan pada kenderaan.

Sebelum memulakan penggantian, pastikan alat ganti sesuai untuk pembuatan dan model kenderaan. Produk ini adalah penting untuk pengendalian kenderaan yang selamat di mana ia dipasang, dan ia bertujuan untuk dipasang hanya oleh individu yang mahir dan berkelayakan yang telah dilatih dan/atau berpengalaman dalam pemasangan dan penggunaan yang dimaksudkan untuk Produk tersebut.

Pemasang mesti dilengkapi dengan peralatan yang sesuai dalam perdagangannya, dan dengan pengetahuan dan pengalaman untuk menangani pembaikan kenderaan. Pemasangan yang tidak betul atau tidak betul, sama ada disebabkan oleh kegagalan untuk mematuhi Arahan ini dengan setia dan sepenuhnya atau sebaliknya, akan membatalkan Waranti Terhad dan boleh menyebabkan pemasang dikenakan liabiliti sekiranya berlaku kecederaan diri atau kerosakan harta benda.
Brembo tidak akan bertanggungjawab ke atas sebarang kerosakan atau kecederaan yang disebabkan oleh atau oleh mana-mana orang yang mengendalikan kenderaan di mana produk gantian telah dipasang dengan tidak betul.
Produk terpakai yang digantikan oleh Produk ini tidak boleh dipasang pada mana-mana produk lain. Ini boleh mengakibatkan kerosakan harta benda dan kecederaan diri, termasuk kematian. 
Sentiasa pastikan paras cecair brek dalam takungan berada di antara paras minimum dan maksimum yang ditunjukkan pada takungan. Tahap yang tidak betul boleh menyebabkan kebocoran cecair brek atau mengurangkan kecekapan sistem brek. Terlalu banyak atau terlalu sedikit cecair brek di dalam takungan boleh menyebabkan brek tidak berfungsi dengan baik sehingga mengakibatkan kecederaan diri, termasuk kematian. 
Bahagian yang diganti mesti dilupuskan mengikut undang-undang.
Produk perlu dielakkan daripada terhentak kuat dan/atau merosakkan Produk, bahagian dan komponennya, kerana ini boleh menjejaskan kecekapannya dan boleh menyebabkannya tidak berfungsi. Jika perlu, ganti mana-mana bahagian atau komponen yang rosak. Untuk mengelakkan kecederaan kami mengesyorkan perkara berikut:
  • Gunakan peralatan yang sesuai untuk mengelakkan penyedutan habuk yang timbul semasa pembersihan bahagian.
  • Sentiasa pakai sarung tangan semasa membuka dan memasang komponen dengan tepi yang tajam.
  • Jangan biarkan permukaan kulit bersentuhan terus dengan bahan geseran pad dan kasut brek kerana ini boleh menyebabkan pelelasan.
  • Jangan masukkan tangan anda ke dalam tempat pad semasa mengeluarkan omboh kaliper menggunakan udara termampat kerana ini melibatkan risiko meremukkan tangan anda.
  • Elakkan sentuhan terus dengan cecair brek kerana ia boleh menyebabkan kerengsaan pada kulit dan mata. Sekiranya berlaku sentuhan tidak sengaja, bersihkan dengan teliti mengikut arahan pengeluar kenderaan atau cecair brek.
  • Jangan dedahkan komponen elektrik kepada cas elektrostatik atau hentaman yang boleh merosakkan bahagian plastik.
  • Lindungi komponen elektrik yang telah dibuka daripada kelembapan.
  • Pastikan sambungan yang betul bagi sebarang sesentuh elektrik, dan memastikan lampu amaran menyala. Jika tidak, lampu amaran tidak beroperasi boleh menyebabkan pengurangan kecekapan sistem brek, atau kegagalan isyarat brek.
  • Elakkan terkena gris dan pelincir lain dengan permukaan brek cakera brek, dram, pad dan kasut kerana ini boleh menjejaskan kecekapan sistem brek dan menyebabkan kerosakan fizikal yang serius.
  • Jangan gunakan alat tajam untuk memuatkan komponen getah kerana ini boleh merosakkannya. Pastikan mana-mana bahagian yang rosak diganti.
Had Waranti
Kami menjamin Produk ini untuk memenuhi spesifikasi pengilang dan bebas daripada kecacatan pada bahan dan mutu kerja. Waranti mempunyai tempoh terhad selama dua tahun dari tarikh pembelian atau mana-mana tempoh lebih lama yang ditetapkan oleh undang-undang. Waranti mempunyai tempoh terhad selama dua tahun dari tarikh pembelian atau mana-mana tempoh lebih lama yang ditetapkan oleh undang-undang. Sekiranya kecacatan ditemui, ia mesti dilaporkan dalam tempoh 60 hari dari penemuannya dan dalam tempoh dua tahun dari tarikh pembelian. Sekiranya kecacatan itu disahkan dan dilindungi oleh waranti, Produk akan dibaiki atau digantikan dengan Produk baru atau dibaik pulih sepenuhnya. Waranti tidak melindungi kerosakan yang disebabkan, secara keseluruhan atau sebahagiannya, oleh penyalahgunaan, kebakaran, kakisan kimia, penggunaan haram atau untuk tujuan selain daripada yang dimaksudkan, digunakan pada model selain daripada yang dimaksudkan, pemasangan yang salah atau bertentangan dengan apa yang ditunjukkan. oleh pengilang atau kegagalan untuk mengekalkan Produk seperti yang ditetapkan oleh Pengilang dalam arahan yang diberikan.

Ada apa-apa yang lain anda ingin bertanya?

Hubungi pasukan sokongan teknikal Brembo. Juruteknik kami akan menghubungi anda dengan secepat mungkin!
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