Instructions for adjustment of RCS and RCS corsacorta Master Cylinder
Master cylinder ratio adjustment
1. Check the lever ratio value, verifying, with the master cylinder mounted on the vehicle, the colour of the top surface of the push rod (point 3).
Push rod colour
Master cylinder type |
18-20 |
16-18 |
Red |
18 |
16 |
Lower ratio value |
Black |
20 |
18 |
Higher ratio value |
WARNING! Replace the lever terminal (point 1) if it rotates in relation to the lever body (point 2).
2. Remove by hand the rubber cap (point 4), on the lever (point 2) to uncover the hole (point 5).
3. Rotate the lever-handlebar distance adjustment knob anti-clockwise (point 6) all the way to reveal the ration adjustment groove (point 5) inside the hole (point 7).
4. If remains of dirt or foreign material are present inside the hole (point 5), clean with a damp cloth.
WARNING! Do not use compressed air.
5. Use a flat-blade screwdriver (point 8) with tip (point 9) measuring 3mm MAX, 2 mm MIN; this measurement must be observed for a length of 12mm MIN.
WARNING! To avoid damaging the internal parts and compromising correct operation of the product, do not use a screwdriver different from the one specified.
The use of a screwdriver different from the one specified is considered installation contrary to the Manufacturer’s directions, in which case BREMBO will not be liable for any damage caused to and/or by any person using a vehicle on which the product has been installed.
6. Fit the flat-blade screwdriver (point 8) into the hole (point 5) until it engages the groove (punto 7).
WARNING! During adjustment with screwdriver, do not exert excessive force, either in rotation or under pressure, to avoid damaging the internal parts.
7. Rotate the screwdriver by 180° until you hear the click indicating that the selection has been made; check that the colour of the push rod (point 3) corresponds to the desired ratio value.
8. Reposition the rubber cap (point 4) on the lever and rotate the lever-handlebar distance adjustment knob (point 6) until the lever is positioned (point 2) at the desired distance from the handlebar.
WARNING! Adjustment of the ration affects the lever travel in generating the pressure necessary to stop the vehicle.
Idle stroke adjustment
Only for RCS corsacorta master cylinder.
CAUTION! The “RCS corsacorta” master cylinder can be distinguished by the ”corsacorta” marking (point 10).
WARNING! Adjustment of the idle stroke to one of the three settings R-S-N via the knob (point 11) affects the lever stroke in generating the pressure necessary to stop the vehicle.
Functional test
WARNING! For all the adjustments described above, make sure that when the lever is engaged, it can rotate to generate the correct braking action; otherwise, operate the knob (point 6) to move the lever away.
Perform braking tests at low speed, verifying that braking is effective.
Þessi ábyrgð nær yfir allra samræmisgalla sem koma fram innan tveggja ára frá því að varan er afhent. Neytanda er skylt að tilkynna söluaðila um samræmisgalla innan tveggja mánaða frá því að umræddur galli kom í ljós, með fyrirvara um að fyrningarfrestur til að grípa til aðgerða til að bæta úr gallanum er tuttugu og sex mánuðir frá því að varan er afhent. Ef um samræmisgalla er að ræða á notandi rétt á viðgerð eða endurnýjun vörunnar, eða á viðeigandi verðlækkun eða uppsögn samnings, eins og kveðið er á um í gr. 130 í neytendalögum, eftir því sem við á.
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