Guidelines maintenance

Bremsuskerðing og loftstífla: samanburður á tveimur vandamálum

Bremsuskerðing: Lærðu hvernig á að skilja, þekkja og koma í veg fyrir hana og fylgdu ráðleggingum okkar um rétt viðhald til að lágmarka líkurnar á því að það gerist!

How to avoid brake stiction: Brembo advices

It is possible to avoid brake stiction by following some simple steps.

Minimum brake disc thickness

It is important to know the wear limit of your brake disc to avoid any damage and breakages, but how do you measure this value?

Tightening torques

The correct operation of the braking system directly depends on the correct tightening torque of the wheels.

Directional Brake Pads

Brembo directional brake pads were created to enhance the comfort of the braking system, so fitting them on the wrong side could reduce system performance.

Directional brake discs

Brembo Xtra discs are not directional. The hole pattern does not have a mandatory direction of rotation as it is designed to work correctly and deliver precisely the same performance and comfort irrespective of the side of the vehicle the disc is mounted on.

Brake disc balancing

If you see a notch about 2 mm deep on the Brembo disc you bought, there's nothing to worry about as this is not a defect.

Noises and vibrations

Like vibrations, squeals coming from the braking system are quite often not due to any defect or poor quality of the new component.

Assembly diagrams

Download the assembly sheets for the product that you want and access all of the instructions to properly assemble and disassemble it.

Indications and bedding in

The pads and brake discs removed are an important source of information: it is always important to closely inspect the condition of the braking surfaces, the colour and the aspect in order to identify faults with operation of one or several components (calipers, pads, bearings).
